GLScene Wiki Help

This is supposed to be a Wiki for GLScene using Mediawiki 1.5.6. Unfortunately we have had a lot of trouble setting it up. Sourceforge has made a lot of directories read only so a complex script is required to trick sourceforge into running mediawiki. We have tried a jglade script ( ) which is supposed to automatically install mediawiki onto sourceforge. When I ran this script it said that it had installed the wiki ok but when when I went to to install the Wiki it said files were missing including ones from the /tmp/persistent/glscenewiki/config/includes directory. I plugged these files in but then it said language files were missing so I added these. Now I am getting a namespace error. I have asked sourceforge support for help but there suggestion was to talk to the authors of mediawiki which isnt helpful since the problem is with the security hurdles sourceforge has placed on its servers.

If anyone would like to help please email skinhat at skinhat at gmail dot com.

Thanks in advance.